Thursday, January 28, 2010

Military Sand Rail Does The United States Invest Way Too Much Money In The Military?

Does the United States invest way too much money in the military? - military sand rail

Sometimes I think the priorities of many Americans are so screwed, it is impossible to change anything. I often wonder why we spend so much money on our military, when a lot of this money could be found on the cure of diseases, investment in manufacturing firms in developing countries, research on the sources of output will be "clean energy people with adequate healthcare and education, and so on. It seems that many people imprisoned in the United States in the idea that terrorism is the only question that matters is the American pride more important than the lives of millions of people worldwide who die of disease and poverty. I am a proud American, but we must concentrate our resources in such a ruthless, immoral ways. With all the money spent in the army could they think is best to pay our soldiers! " Where has all this money? "We need to have our heads in the sand and recognize that our national security is affected by this war were and there are other questions?


FireBug said...

N ~ to give the United States too much money not to help other countries to appreciate just as we ....... They never will. The army is at the lower end of the wage scale, the Congress, which is made a lot of money.

nygiants said...

Yes, the ritual, which should all give our money to the poor are, and build nice houses for the poor and fulfill our contry with the rainbow, but could be a problem if everything is broken, you just created, and we have all of North Korea, Russia, the countries of the Middle East, or any other person who decides he wants to take advantage of the most powerful nation in the world, as we had not killed the strongest army in the world, we must

and also for anyone is stupid enough, the amount is "enormous" dead in Iraq to call, please take the time, who died three articles that illustrate soldeirs only 3613 seeing since 2003, barely reached the "million" someone else mention
While this is tragic, we must remember that 41,611 people die in car accidents, and 20,000 people die each year from influenza
if in terms of statistics, how can anyone say to me, respected, if there are many dead in Iraq for five years, the number of deaths does not even reach the quarter killed from the flu each year

freshmea... said...

Area 51 is one of the biggest waste of our military resources, and no one knows what the hell they do it anyway

almikeju... said...

I say "maybe", but my full response can be a little confusing for you. Industrial Complex, that nation's military, as usual, blasting away at full throttle, if not create even cause wars or third parties may be, then hold war to "rattle" ... That's what Eisenhower warned in his farewell speech in January 1961. I personally can testify that as a former military intelligence officer, the American Army (1969-71), I was informed of this country "emergency plan" against the Viet Cong in Vietnam in 1957 ... "Highlighted (What's up with that?). And the hero of the space Wehrner By Dr. Brown, who lay dying in 1977, predicted that history would see us after the Russian bear," then the terrorists, then "foreign" , which means strong, if not, it is a war to make them .. .. things that we had invented was a little far-sighted one.Seems.

Sad to say, I would not be surprised if the major political issue of 1960 the gap in "missiles" with us on the short side against Russia, probably for the same rEason above. We found that it's never too late or not "adequately protected" even if at this time "bunker mentality" was widespread in America, no doubt, cases of the feeder manufacturer, which had most of their construction. The war in Vietnam? He said an independent journalist, the U.S. Navy, U.S., ways in 1964, fired incessantly gunboat in Vietnam, perhaps 12 times or more in its facilities the Gulf of Tonkin, but was told that after unleashing hell is the United States has about 550,000 troops sent there, and some were killed 50,000 + ...... Unfortunately, it's sounds like an extension of the earlier parts of this publication. Think about it.

Dogdigge... said...

It is a very good question. They spend a lot of money for the military. They should give money that you have said. I wonder why they have not met the soldiers. Millions of people die because of this stupid president we have!

masterof... said...

I think the military needs more money. We will not pay the soldiers what they need.

Army Dirt mover said...

Of course not! The development of the next largest force in the face of the earth.

Any Republican 2012 said...

Yes, just finished with the military. After doing everything, do not believe intelligent liberals, terrorism exists in this country.

Seriously, after 9 / 11, Get A Clue.

Indiana said...

Our soldiers are in the fight against terrorists who are much better equipped, the more they have a goal, not 9999th Soldiers familiarize p ***** off because of our "leaders" who refuses to write not smart enough to their own speeches without meaning, to return home. You remember him, promised to help after Hurricane Katrina? Our citizens do not receive the help that was promised to them, because the money he loses too busy in the Middle East! Thank you, Mr. Bush, this country opened up to another 9-11. World War 3 is now in the first phase because of it. Way to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! powerful leader

AMD said...

I do not think about ....... we should abandon all

Bob A said...

Regardless of what we spend, not wise to spend. Remember, before 9 / 11, the Pentagon announced Rummy missing 2.3 billion U.S. dollars. $ 2.3 trillion - the $ 8,000 for every man, woman and child in America. If you can ignore a lot of money ... Pass for fools.

bobby said...

Global military spending is currently around one billion dollars per year.
While hundreds of millions lack the necessities of life.
The article continues by saying that could feed with that amount, it's all the hungry people in the world. Wear them and a decent house. Cure any disease and improve the environment with the power of the military man is available. Search for alternative fuels and vehicles, which run on this fuel with the amount of military equipment. So the money is spent?
to quote a famous American Rodney King "can not fend for themselves"

scrooge said...


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